Discover a natural way to postpone or achieve a pregnancy…the Art of Natural Family Planning® is based on an awareness of a woman’s fertility. It’s medically safe, 99% effective in postponing pregnancy, very low cost, often has a positive effect on the couple’s marriage, and is morally acceptable to all major religions.

Friday, August 12, 2011

New Class Series!!!

We are going to be teaching the aNFP class series starting September 11th! Please go to to register or email us if you have any questions.

Has anyone every clearly explained for you WHY the Catholic Church does not approve of unnatural birth control? For most of us, the answer is NO. Did you know that all Christian Churches up to 1930 taught that contraception was morally unacceptable to plan your family? Did you know that the birth control pill can act to cause an early chemical abortion in any woman in any cycle? Learn about your faith and discover a natural method of family planning!